Your Event as a Platform

Sometimes leaning into the political climate impacting your organization can bring the room together at your event. There are times when it makes sense to name the elephant in the room and its effect on those you support. When you get in front of it and frame it in a constructive way, you can direct the energy of the room into support for your great work.

This year, Adelante Mujeres talked about the environment they’re working in and how that has turned up the volume for its clients and community. The organization provides holistic education and empowerment opportunities to low income Latina women and their families to ensure full participation and active leadership in the community.

They put together an organizational video around the theme “Our Voices Are Stronger Together” that showcased the scope of their work and their belief in creating environments full of empowerment and possibility for the community they serve.

Executive Director Bridget Cooke then took the stage and addressed the fears and concerns of many in the room at the top of her speech:

“Tonight, I want to talk with you about what’s going on in our world right now because I want to include you in the conversations we’re having in our office, with our community partners, and with our program participants. This is a really difficult and a scary time for many among us.

At this moment immigrants are under attack. Some people are questioning the value of immigrants in their communities. Some are wondering if we would be better off without them. We know the answer to that question. It was immigrants who dreamed up this nation, and it was immigrants who built up this nation.

We are in a battle to define the character of our country. And we have an opportunity to ask ourselves what the US really stands for.  What best describes our character is how we act today and what we fight for today.

We believe our character is demonstrated in how we care for those in need.

And we believe Latino immigrants are essential contributing members to the future of our nation.”

She then pivoted into the hope that the organization is seeing by staying the course of its critical work:

“I’m also hopeful because of the emails I get every day, and the people I meet who are using their voices to fight for what they believe in. And what they believe in is the work Adelante Mujeres is doing and the transformation this work creates in the lives of individuals and in the community.

I’m hopeful because of our participants, each one of them working so hard to get to the next level of education or empowerment or both. And finding so much success.

And in so doing she put participants in the driver’s seat of their own course, truly embodying the empowerment of their mission.

There is a time and a place for politics, especially where it intersects with your ability to do your work. When you frame the conversation, you can wield the sword in a direction that serves your mission and gives people hope.

photos by Alicia All, Ivan Perez Raymond and Wayne Moore


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