Reaching Your Goal in Little Steps

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As seen in the current fundraising efforts for Haiti relief the power of many can have a huge impact. Small gifts collected by millions of people have raised millions of dollars in a very short window of time.

This is the benefit of quick communication around a single goal in a specific time frame. And it’s something that any organization can utilize to reach their fundraising goals.

Case Study:

Sonnet Repertory Theatre Company in New York
Summer of 2009

In the development of a new work, Sonnet Repertory Theatre Company needed to raise $10,000 for workshop costs and needed to raise it quickly. Once the budget was set and the goal was clear, an online campaign was launched. Utilizing the theatre company’s fan base, the artists fan base, and the online tools of Twitter and Facebook over 2,500 people were reached at one time with the solicitation to donate $10 and to pass the request on to 10 friends.

Quickly they wove a web of communication with hundreds of friends and fans acting as champions for their cause. The word was out and $10 donations helped them reach their goal in little steps.

Keys of Success:
Some of the keys to success for an online fundraising campaign…

#1 – Set a specific goal in a specific timeline and communicate this to your audience. If people understand your fundraising needs they are more likely to give.donate now graphic

#2 – Use an online tool to collect donations such as
You want to make it very easy for folks to be able to give with a simple “Donate Now”.

#3 – Report back to your donors about where you are in relation to your goal. Once they have made a gift, they are interested in your work.

#4 – Set a low dollar request so it is easy for everyone to support you at that level. Then do the math for your donor and explain how many gifts you need, so they help you reach your goal.

#5 – Use the same online tools “Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Linked In” to recognize your donors regularly.

#6 – Don’t just ask once. Develop a strategic plan for 3-4 solicitations. The first is the big ask. The second is a recognition and thank you to those who have participated with an update toward your goal. The third is a “final push” solicitation. The fourth is right up against your deadline with an update, a thank you, and a final ask.

#7 – Get the buy in of your key players. As someone involved in the project ask every member to spread the word, “share” to their base, post updates when they have made a gift or received a gift. Keep everyone talking about it so folks feel the excitement to join in.


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