Accessibility in Storytelling

The powerful potential with fundraising events is bringing together your community into one room to share in their love for your organization. An inclusive program and smart event design connects a room and an audience to each other and your mission. To ensure this connection is made, consider the accessibility of your program for your specific audience.

Centro Cultural de Washington County serves Latino families and people of color throughout Oregon’s Washington County. Many on their staff and in their communities are Spanish speaking, so for their annual Gala de Cultura this year, they included Spanish elements in the printed program, in a video and from speakers on stage.

This decision made the overall storytelling more authentic, more representative of the community and more accessible to people in the room, and this created an overall more festive and welcoming feeling for the event.

When you’re in the weeds of your event planning and logistics, things like language choices can be overlooked. But a well-crafted story and a streamlined event won’t make a significant impact if your audience feels left out of the conversation. And this will likely impact your fundraising.

Fundraising events are your opportunity to amplify the impact of your organization, move the needle on your annual revenue goals and speak directly to your most ardent supporters. Don’t miss an opportunity to authentically tell your story and create inclusivity in the room.

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