Get Your Message Across Within a Theme

MHKC-D15-160LoResA theme can take an event and turn it into something memorable and fun for your guests. It can take your event to the next level. But be careful to keep your program mission-focused within that theme. You want your guests to walk away feeling good and having fun. But you also want to make sure they know what your organization is all about and why they should support it.

MHKC-D15-150LoResWhen Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp started planning their annual gala, they decided on a 1940s USO theme. Their Victory Brunch and G.I. Jive Show and Dance were a huge success, thanks in part to their theme. Everything from the décor to the print materials stayed on theme. They decided to create a show that would simulate a 1940s radio show. The scripting included slang from that era and sound effects. There were 1940s-style “ads” for each lead sponsor.

G.I. Jive Show and Dance Emcee Dale Johannes

The emcee got into character and really hammed it up! The house band played tunes from that time so the guests could dance and jive. And the guests really got into the theme as well. They donned their best 1940s dresses and suits.

Even with all the fun of their theme, Mt. Hood Kiwanis Camp never lost sight of their message or purpose: to raise money for Camp that provides a place where children and adults with disabilities can spend an entire week focusing on their abilities, rather than their disabilities. They kept on message in the following ways:

1) Presenting a short video about their organization that showed what the camp is and what they believe in.

2) Keeping sound effects to a minimum during the special appeal ask that told one impact story.

3) Intentionally placing elements into the program, always keeping the event arc in mind to maximize fundraising potential.

MHKC-D15-269LoRes2015 MHKC G.I. Jive Show #28When planning your next fundraising event, think about how a theme could elevate the “fun” aspect of it. You want it to add to the fundraising potential, not distract. So be sure to keep your message on point by being intentional with your program. Make sure your guests know WHY your organization exists and why they should want to get involved with it. Your theme will create a fun memory but your message will be the lasting impact.

Photos by Andie Petkus

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