Whether you are trying to improve day-to-day operations or embarking on a capital campaign, internal communications are crucial for ensuring that your organization meets its goals. The inter
From Bloomerang Nonprofit organizations are known for stretching their resources as far as they can go, trying to squeeze the most out of every penny. During times of uncertainty, organizati
Email can be an excellent way to connect with donors, share important information and drive clicks and sign-ups to pages on your website. However, it’s only effective when your donors are
5 Ways to be Agile for Fall of 2021 By Samantha Swaim and Sama Shagaga This has been a year of transformation and adaptation. So many events were cancelled, held virtually or reimagin
Don’t let all those auction packages you spent time and effort procuring go to waste! While we may not be able to gather in-person right now to raise our bid paddles for a live auction
We joined our friends at Greater Giving for a webinar on “The Art of the Special Appeal” to help you build an effective strategy for your biggest fundraising opportunity the day
This October was the 5th annual Nonprofit Storytelling Conference, and in our 5 years of attending and participating in this event, we always walk away with big ideas and best practices to p
You’re doing the work that keeps communities together and changes the world. We believe in you, and in the power of our partnership. In our 15 years of fundraising galas, lunches, auctions
When Oprah received the Cecil B. DeMille Award at the Golden Globes on Sunday, January 7, 2018, she gave a speech that immediately caught fire with a national audience that has long loved an
Does your fundraising event need to go to the next level? Here is your opportunity. We’re excited to announce Elevate! Join us in Portland, Oregon on June 21 + 22 for a conference dedicate