What’s in a Name?

When it comes to events, a lot can be in a name.

The name of your event establishes a tone and expectation from guests about what they’ll experience. Naming the event is the first phase of your marketing. It can be a way to set yourself apart from other events and build momentum before you even open the door.

The Center for Women’s Leadership took the opportunity this year to rename their event. Previously it had been known as Center for Women’s Leadership Annual Leadership Luncheon. While a completely usable name, it didn’t really capture the powerful room of dynamic community leaders, politicians and business partners gathering to support young women becoming our next generation of leaders.

So Center for Women’s Leadership took some time to decide what it was that made their event unique, and while it was the awards that they give out there annually, it was also the amazing people who attend, the leadership on stage and the energy and momentum in the room every year.

So with all of that in mind, they renamed the event Power Lunch.

PoMo_JDP_CWL-2015-95What’s so great about this refresh is that it taps into the age-old notion of business and political leaders gathering for a working lunch where important decisions get made. And by Center for Women’s Leadership claiming their event is one of those places, it makes empowering young women to step into leadership—whether civic, business or politics—important to everyone. They are making clear that they are looking to redefine the notion that women make up 51% of the population but only hold 15% of the leadership positions.

They are reframing the notion of a Power Lunch and opening it up to everyone.

Photos by Phototainment


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