Weaving Your Program into the Event

When donors are able to connect with your program first-hand, giving increases. At your event, you have a room full of people who are showing support for your mission and the people you serve. This gives you an opportunity to creatively incorporate elements of your program in the event so your supporters feel like they’re a part of it.

At their annual Alphabet Ball this year, SMART (Start Making a Reader Today) brought their program into the room with design elements, storytelling and recognition. SMART provides one-on-one reading support and books for kids across Oregon as a way to increase literacy and inspire reading. In order to bring their mission into the room, they structured their event and brought in key elements to connect their supporters to that mission.

One big way SMART did this was structuring their event and script like a storybook. Each section of the event was a new chapter to tell the story of the organization. And they used a children’s book as a through-line for the script, having a young student read an excerpt aloud to the room. It was both emotionally engaging and impactful.

In order to increase literacy around the state, SMART relies heavily on volunteer readers. To show their supporters the importance of these volunteers, they shared the story of a volunteer who works for one of their biggest corporate sponsors, bringing her on stage with her kindergarten student for an adorable exchange. And at the end of the program, they recognized Volunteers of the Year from around the state, giving special recognition to one super volunteer.

To close the evening, they then had each table compete to buy the most book packs, a bundle of new books that would go to kids who might not have the opportunity to own their own books. After spending the night demonstrating how SMART inspires a child’s next chapter and creating a common belief system for their audience, they used the momentum in the room to do even more for the kids they serve and connect their supporters more deeply to their work.

When you’re planning your event, consider creative ways you can bring your program into the room for your supporters. Immersing your audience in your mission allows them to experience your work, not just be told about it. The resonance of that will more deeply connect them to your mission and help elevate your fundraising.

Photos by Naim Hasan

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