Showcasing Your Program at the Event

A popular piece of advice in storytelling is show, don’t tell. A story is more impactful if you demonstrate or exemplify its successes instead of just talking about them. This can (and should!) be applied to events as well.

At Metropolitan Family Service’s A Gathering of Good, one of the performances for the evening brought the mission of MFS alive for its audience. Working to eradicate poverty and inequity throughout Portland, MFS focuses much of their work on helping kids achieve in school. They do this with programs like SUN (Schools Uniting Neighborhoods) Community Schools that provide a safe and engaging space for kids and families.


After an inspiring night showcasing the impact MFS has in Portland communities, the event ended with an incredible performance by the McCarty Magic Dance Team, a group from one of their SUN schools, Dexter McCarty Middle School. The dance program aims to provide students an opportunity to build sportsmanship, character, self-confidence and competitiveness through dance. It was a moving display of a successful school program and the kids owned the room!

By incorporating the school’s dance team, MFS was able to bring an example of one of their programs face-to-face with their community of supporters. They brought the spirit, joy and learning that they foster right into the guest experience, allowing donors to be a part of their mission in an immediate way. Delivering the message and story of your organization is vital for fundraising, and a great way to do this is to bring one of your programs into the room to show your good work in action.

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