Pledge Based Events


Does the thought of doing all the work for a big event overwhelm you? Why not engage your most passionate supporters to help do some of the heaving lifting for you!

Pledge based events—a more traditional walk or any kind of ‘a-thon’ like bowling or jump roping or running laps—are fabulous ways to help bring others into the fundraising circle for your organization. Pledge based events allow you to directly connect to your constituents and supporters, and to take their enthusiasm for your organization and turn it into money. You can engage a large group to go out into the community and raise money on your behalf. One person can only do so much, but imagine mobilizing your own little fundraising army! And it’s amazing how those amounts, small and large, brought in by a broad base really add up. By signing up to be a participant in your event, people already know they will be raising money for you. No hard sell needed for them, and then they will go out and tell their personal story to engage even more people, spread the word about your good work, and raise much needed funds.

Pledge based events can be a great addition to your fundraising event roster. The sky’s the limit for what type of event you can have, and it can be a really great way to tailor something to exactly fit what your supporters most enjoy and are excited about.

If you’d like to learn more, join us at our next workshop:

December 9 (9AM-12PM)
Pledge Based Events
Raising Money with a Walk, Run, or Ride
at Planned Parenthood, 3727 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.

Pledge based events engage others to raise funds for your cause. We will:
• Learn the tools needed to raise money with a pledge based event
• Identify your prospects
• Develop a communications plan
• And begin planning your pledge based fundraiser

Space is limited, so register today!


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